An amazing relationship doesn’t magically happen overnight. Rather, it develops when two people invest time and energy into growing together as a couple.
Have you been looking for relationship tips that can transform your romantic relationship, from good to great? My girlfriend Tatiana and I would like to share with you 5 tips you must know for an amazing relationship.
Do you have an amazing relationship with your partner?
If you feel like your relationship needs improving, don't worry! No relationship is perfect. When two people commit to growing and expanding, their love grows as well.
Let’s explore 5 tips that you must know for developing an amazing relationship.
1. Create A Vision And Goals For Your Relationship
A lot of people have a vision and a goal for their life, but they don’t have the same for their relationship. Without a shared vision, it's hard for a relationship to flourish.
Your relationship vision brings a sense of purpose and direction to your relationship. It’s so important that you and your partner are both aligned on what that vision is. When you know what it is that you want to create with your partner, then you can intentionally put in the work in order to make that dream a reality.
Take the time to listen to your partner's needs and desires. Tatiana and I have created a relationship journal, where every month we reflect on our vision together and reinforce what we want to create together in the future.
When we plan out our yearly goals, whether that's in the realm of travel, contribution, or self-development, we make sure that we are moving in the same direction and doing similar things.
2. Grow Together
By having a vision and a goal for your relationship, you set yourself up for an amazing relationship, that continually grows with time. When possible, Tatiana and I always try to attend personal growth and development seminars and workshops together, because it allows us to grow, both individually and as a couple.
A lot of relationships grow apart, because they don't do the work to accelerate their lives, as a couple. As a result, many people find themselves moving in different directions in life.
You need to make sure that you are growing together with your partner in every aspect of life, and also that you are making the effort to invest in your partner’s growth, so that they can be at their best. In the words of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, “Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.”
3. Love Unconditionally
If you want to have an amazing relationship, you need to love your partner unconditionally. There are times in your relationship when you may feel insecure, vulnerable, or upset with your partner. When this happens, instead of expressing how you feel, you may withhold your love from them, as a form of punishment.
However, when you hold back, you are only hurting your relationship. Sometimes you have to remove your emotions from the equation and make sure that you are serving your partner and meeting their needs, no matter what.
This requires that you know what your partner’s needs are. Sometimes we selfishly give our partner what we want, but he/she may have totally different needs from our own. This way of thinking requires a whole new standard of unconditional love, but if you want to create an amazing relationship, you need to commit to doing the work.
4. Communicate
Good communication is important for a healthy and loving relationship. When one partner doesn't feel heard, it can create feelings of resentment and animosity. Unsurprisingly, studies show that conflicts about money and poor communication lead to unhappy couples, more than anything else.
A lot of people don’t want to be fully seen and express themselves to their partner, for fear that he/she will get offended or upset with them. However, when you don't communicate what you need to your partner, problems can arise.
Conversely, if you have open and honest communication with your partner from the beginning of your relationship, you set yourself up for success. One thing that has really helped Tatiana and I communicate more effectively is having a system for communication.
Every week we do a check-in with one another, to see if our needs are being met. We talk about ways that we can grow our relationship. As part of this check-in, we use a process called, dyadic communication, where one of us speaks, while the other person just listens, without responding. This allows both us to create a space for open communication, without being reactive.
When your partner is communicating how they feel, it's not your job to debate, argue, or give your opinion. Rather, let him/her share their feelings, and thank him/her for being open and honest with you.
5. Know Your Partner's Intent
There’s going to be times in your relationship when you or your partner is going to get stressed or go through tough times. When this happens, it's easy to react. Sometimes you may project the negative emotions that you are feeling onto your partner.
This is why it's so important to know and trust your partner’s intent. I know that, no matter what Tatiana does, her intent is pure. She's an amazing, honest and loving person. If she gets stressed, I know that her behavior is not a representation of who she really is. Rather, it's just a manifestation of the fear, insecurity, or difficult time that she may be going through.
When you know your partner’s intent, it gives you a sense of certainty and confidence in your relationship. No matter what happens, you are still going to love your partner unconditionally.
